A program for visualising
Affymetrix SNP array data
Viewer aims to be a simple, easy-to use program that enables
the viewing and analysis of Affymetrix SNP chip data for
homozygosity mapping.
Viewer requires as input birdseed files generated by the
Affymetrix Genotyping Console (TM) containing the "Call
Code" field (i.e. the field giving genotype calls as "AA",
"BB", "AB" or "NO CALLS"). If you have these files for your
samples of interest you should be good to go.
there is no paper to cite for Snp Viewer, but if you do
publish using it please cite the URL
SnpViewer was developed by David A. Parry at the University of Leeds.
Although Snp Viewer cannot
read VCF format files on its own, you can use the
vcfToSnpViewer.pl script at vcfhacks
to convert VCFs to text files that Snp Viewer can read.
vcfToSnpViewer.pl is a commandline program written in perl
and requires you to follow the installation instructions as
detailed at vcfhacks.
Snp Viewer's first (to my
knowledge) appearance in print, in a Nature Genetics
reporting mutations mutations in a regulator of the
mitochondrial uniporter:
Loss-of-function mutations
in MICU1 cause a brain and muscle disorder linked to primary
alterations in mitochondrial calcium
signaling. Logan et al., Nature Genetics (2013)
This version includes multiple bug fixes compared to v0.9.1,
most relate to the Windows version. If using the installer for
Windows it is recommended that you uninstall the previous
version using the uninstaller at "C:\Users[your username]\App
Data\Local\SnpViewer" before reinstalling. Snp Viewer will
appear in your Start Menu in the sub folder "Snp Viewer"
rather than "David Parry".
Fixes include:
Many of these issues went unnoticed in the first release
because I do not use Windows for day-to-day work. Bug reports
for this (or any other platform) are most welcome.